new email address - account update
Good Morning. I recently changed jobs and would like to have my email address changed in my online account such that I receive electronic updates at my new address. Formerly, my email address was [email blocked] but it has changed to [email blocked]. Unfortunately, I can't presently find my password as I'm unpacking boxes in my new office. If you need to call me as part of this change, my new telephone number is 701-425-4861. Thank you. Edward M. "Ned" Pettit
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1 Posted by Julien on 17 Nov, 2014 03:15 PM
This is the customer support area for Tender app. It looks like you are trying to reach Federal Register instead. You can find them at this address:
Julien closed this discussion on 17 Nov, 2014 03:15 PM.
Pettit, Edward M re-opened this discussion on 17 Nov, 2014 03:34 PM
2 Posted by Pettit, Edward ... on 17 Nov, 2014 03:34 PM
Thank you. I was indeed trying to reach the Federal Register.
Julien closed this discussion on 17 Nov, 2014 03:35 PM.