Tender Outage
We had our help and support site hosted by Tender go down today for approximately an hour. It's back up now but we'd like to alert you to the outage.
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1 Posted by Julien on 16 Dec, 2014 03:39 PM
Hey Nancy,
We have been receiving a large DDoS attack since yesterday. It is still ongoing and we are constantly working with our hosting provider to keep it under control and keep the site available. It keeps changing however, and so this leads to brief interruptions as we adapt our rules to deal with the incoming traffic.
The best place to get updates is our twitter feed: http://twitter.com/tenderapp
I really apologize for the disruption. This kind of attack is just hard to deal with.
Let me know if you have any question.
2 Posted by Nancy Sadek on 16 Dec, 2014 03:42 PM
Dear Julien,
Thanks so much for your response. We appreciate it.
brandi closed this discussion on 19 Dec, 2014 11:34 PM.