
Tyler K's Avatar

Tyler K

14 Apr, 2011 09:23 PM

I've searched around on Tender here and see that folks have requested the ability to merge discussions / tickets together for several years.

From the looks of it, this is still .. in progress ..

How do users use Tender to manage a ticket/support flow without the ability to merge?

Is there another way to accomplish this or work-around? I've used ticketing systems for a decade and even basic systems like Kayako / SupportSuite allow for merging. Will this feature ever be implemented and what is the ETA?

We currently have numerous discussions in a Queue and "Pending" however can't merge them which makes it impossible to work with a client and keep all threads together which belong to the same support request.

Please advise as we are deciding on migrating to Tender from another platform however this is a deal breaker if there is not a work-around or firm ETA on when you will be releasing this feature.


  1. 1 Posted by Nicole on 15 Apr, 2011 01:24 PM

    Nicole's Avatar

    Merging tickets is not a feature on the immediate horizon for us. Everyone's workflow is different and honestly we've not heard much about how people who need this function work around its absence in Tender.

    In cases where we (Tender Support) have support tickets that refer to another discussion we copy and paste the URL as reference either in public or internal comment as appropriate.

    That said the culprit for the multiple threads from the same customer/client is typically due to the customer starting the discussion with Email A which makes the conversation private and then replying to the discussion with Email B. Since the discussion is private and Email B was not part of the original discussion we assume Email B is a different user and create a new discussion for them. We do have a development ticket open for this problem and hope to have something deployed for it within the next several deploys (very much estimated there).

    Let me know if you have any questions and I can add you to our notification system so we update this discussion when the email situation I described above has a fix.


  2. Amanda closed this discussion on 21 Apr, 2011 06:49 PM.

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