How can I 'assign' a ticket?
I cannot find how to get the ticket to get the little blue box status level.
It is either new open or resolved.
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1 Posted by Will on 14 Feb, 2010 10:29 PM
The assigned state refers to Lighthouse integration/setup, so if you've actually created a development ticket for it. Within Tender, you can add a discussion to a queue, which is sort of similar.
The documentation is a little misleading, since it talks about queues being assigned as well in the wording.
We are about to simplify the states within Tender though, there will only be open/closed discussion states in the UI most likely.
2 Posted by bradley on 12 Apr, 2010 06:39 PM
Is there any plan to actually allow creation of more states? We would like to model something that we do in our existing support system with a "Waiting for Customer Feedback" state that we can then ignore until the customer responds.
3 Posted by Will on 12 Apr, 2010 06:44 PM
We don't really have plans for custom states in Tender. Right now, discussions are new, open or pending, open meaning waiting on a customer, pending meaning waiting for a support user. There are some additional states such as ticketed if it's attached to Lighthouse, but we're working on simplifying them actually.
4 Posted by bradley on 12 Apr, 2010 06:49 PM
Interesting. How does something that is Pending (waiting on a support user) go back to being Open? I thought something was only Open until a support member comments for the first time. Is the state entirely dictated by who commented last?
5 Posted by Will on 12 Apr, 2010 07:07 PM
Well, technically they are both open states, meaning they aren't resolved. So I was incorrect when I said there is a difference between to two.
Open shows all non-resolved tickets. While the pending state shows all unresponded tickets, meaning the user was the last person to comment.
6 Posted by bradley on 12 Apr, 2010 07:12 PM
Is there any way to manually put something in the Pending state? Let's say
we ask a question: Can you please attach a screenshot. And they respond:
Sure, let me get back to you tomorrow. This will be in the Open state even
though it is really Pending.
Would we use queues to achieve this kind of "assignment" to the customer?
Like a "pending feedback" queue or something?
7 Posted by Will on 12 Apr, 2010 08:16 PM
If they respond it's listed in pending automatically. If it's awaiting response, it's in open, and you won't really see it up front in the admin ui of tender without going to the discussion since it's waiting on the user.
Manually managing a discussions state with queues is probably a little overkill. It would require manually handing the queue, so it has potential to get a little sloppy in the workflow.
The default view in tenders admin is just a recent inblox, in the left sidebar, the inbox area, is the full view of tickets that haven't been responded to since the customer updated.
8 Posted by bradley on 12 Apr, 2010 08:39 PM
Hmm we have discussions like this one that were last commented on by the original client but still show up in Open. Is this a bug?
Wondering if it has to do with my two users: one client and one support agent that have the same stuff ahead of the @ sign in their usernames/email addresses.
9 Posted by Will on 12 Apr, 2010 10:49 PM
Robins original question probably had to do with custom queues now that I go back and reread it.
We've sort of taken this off topic a little. No biggie.
Bradley, All open discussions display as open. If they are not resolved, then they can be located there. The inbox is your pending discussions list, so anything that a user last responded to and is awaiting a reply, is located there.
Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:13 PM.