Private Attachments (no public link)

gladefrancis's Avatar


Feb 15, 2010 @ 07:34 PM

I've talked about this here before...but the answer that I received led me to think that my question was not clear. Basically, I wonder if there is anyway to protect my attachments in my private forum/kb. Being that my forum/kb is private, i'll be posting attachments, how-to's, etc that I'd prefer to keep private, behind the login of my Tenderapp. Any chance of this becoming a reality?

Thanks again.
Here is my last post:

  1. 1 Posted by towski on Feb 16, 2010 @ 06:37 PM

    towski's Avatar

    Most of the attachment links I've seen(ie in emails) go through tender (http://..tender.../assets/asdfd), so if your site was private, they wouldn't be accessible without a login.

    However, once we redirect the user to the s3 attachment, a user could theoretically copy that link and share it if they wanted. I'm not sure there's any way around that, but I might play around a bit myself.

  2. Will closed this discussion on Aug 18, 2010 @ 10:10 PM.

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