Relationship between discussions and companies. Confused.

Mike's Avatar


11 May, 2010 07:58 PM

I don't understand the relationship between companies and discussions.

What I was expecting:
1. A discussion for a client company, let's call them Acme.
2. The discussion and enclosed posts only available and visible to Acme employees and my support staff.
3. The discussion is not available and doesn't show up anywhere else in admin ui other than within the Acme company section
4. When a member of Acme is signed on and viewing an Acme discussion, Acme should show in the UI somewhere.

What I'm seeing:
1. Discussions are global for the whole tender account. For example, my posts to "problems" and acme's posts to "problems" go into the same discussion.
2. There is one list of discussions, and one list only. Everyone who is visiting my tender can see these discussions (contingent on permissions, see below). What I mean by this is that Companies within my tender don't have their own discussions, they all share the same discussions.
3. Companies are effectively permission groups that allow me to show the content of a discussion to only other people of the same company - if the discussion is private. If the discussion is public, e.g. "problems", companies and their associated users have no meaning.

I'm very confused by this metaphor. Do I have this wrong?

If I could make a suggestion, the documentation on how to use tender is very sparse and it could really use some significant improvement. While the basic usage is straightforward, I'm STILL not understanding how to use it privately with a client company.


P.s. Why do I have to do math to post here? I have an account and everything.

  1. 1 Posted by Mike on 11 May, 2010 08:01 PM

    Mike's Avatar

    Sorry - by discussions I suppose I mean categories.

    See. I'm confused. :-)


  2. 2 Posted by Will on 15 May, 2010 12:05 AM

    Will's Avatar

    Hey Mike. What you are seeing is pretty much correct. A company is really just a group, if you have 5 users set to a Acme, then they can see each others discussions from their Tender profiles, private or public.

    The first implementation of companies is not something that is specific in Tenders supporter dashboard. If you want to view specific discussions opened by a company, you need to go to the manage company area and click on their company name. It's not something that sits in front of the UI, at least not in this round of the feature.

    Everything else functions like a normal user.

  3. 3 Posted by Mike on 15 May, 2010 12:35 AM

    Mike's Avatar

    Are there plans for the future to make this all more obvious and improve this feature?


  4. 4 Posted by Will on 15 May, 2010 01:15 AM

    Will's Avatar

    We have some dashboard changes in queue that will include more functionality to the companies feature. It's not set for the near future, but it's on the list.

  5. Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:15 PM.

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