Show /home when not connected to a private tender with public KB

Christophe 's Avatar


30 Apr, 2013 07:02 AM


while testing the issue reported at I just realized that the home page .../home is not public.
Thus one of our "not connected" user will be redirected to the KB page .../kb
For such user to see that he can see/start discussions (requiring a connection) he must look at (and understand) and click on the above links "support" or "Log in". Nothing else in the discussion page make this clear.
If the .../home page would be visible (even for a private tender support site), the different facets of the tender site will be far more understandable for the user, as he will clearly see a dedicated explanation and the 3 main parts of a tender :"start a discussion", "Browse discussions", "Knowledge Base"

May be I am missing something, (such as a way to personalize the .../kb page). So if you have any other solution


  1. 1 Posted by Christophe on 30 Apr, 2013 07:04 AM

    Christophe 's Avatar


    I add you in this new thread...


  2. 2 Posted by Julien on 30 Apr, 2013 05:10 PM

    Julien's Avatar

    Hi Christophe,

    This seems reasonable and is easy to implement. I'll check with the rest of the team and will get back to you.

  3. 3 Posted by Christophe on 30 Apr, 2013 05:26 PM

    Christophe 's Avatar

    Thanks for your answer, any idea on whne this may be done?


  4. 4 Posted by Julien on 30 Apr, 2013 05:27 PM

    Julien's Avatar

    If the others agree, it should be done during the week.

  5. 5 Posted by Julien on 01 May, 2013 06:55 PM

    Julien's Avatar

    Hi Christophe,

    Since this is possibly an important change, I sent an email out to all affected sites (you should have received it too). If nobody complains, we'll deploy the change tomorrow.


  6. 6 Posted by Julien on 02 May, 2013 05:06 PM

    Julien's Avatar

    Hi Christophe,

    I got a few replies back to my email yesterday, and I'm not sure showing the home is the way to go. Maybe a notice saying you need to login when clicking the support button would be better.

    What do you think?

  7. 7 Posted by Christophe on 03 May, 2013 06:50 AM

    Christophe 's Avatar

    Hi Julien,

    In fact clicking on the "support button" (I mean the support link on the top
    menu bar) works fine, as it will propose to log in through the SSO. The
    issue is that this link is far from being visible for end user of a support
    site. But may be you are meaning something else with "support button"?

    And it seems that displaying the home page would be a really better
    solution, as you already provide 2 versions of the home page:
    - one for connected users
    - and another for not connected users

    Did I misunderstand something?


  8. Julien closed this discussion on 14 Aug, 2013 06:14 PM.

  9. Christophe re-opened this discussion on 06 Jan, 2015 09:21 AM

  10. 8 Posted by Christophe on 06 Jan, 2015 09:21 AM

    Christophe 's Avatar

    Hi julien,

    First of all have a nice New Year as well all the nice tender staff!

    I am now reopening this discussion as I think nothing was changed, and I always feel a bit troubled when I go to our support site without being logged in. As the support is private, /home redirects to /kb and so it is really unclear for our (new) users that they can ask question (and not only read the kb).

    I understand that changing this behavior may be annoying for some other customers, The last proposal Julien made was interesting: " displaying a page/message/notice inviting the not looged in user to connect when they use the /home url.
    For me this really make sense.

    Do you think this can be changed?


  11. 9 Posted by Julien on 07 Jan, 2015 10:23 AM

    Julien's Avatar

    Hey Christophe,

    There are links at the top for "Support Home" and "Discussions", which both require login. I would assume this offers a clue that there is more available on the site.

    Also, not every user that comes to a KB site wants to post a discussion, so I'm not sure how I feel now about having a notice for everyone.

    Given that you have custom JS, I would make the change there:

    If URL is '/kb' and not logged in
      insert notice div (you can login to create a discussion)

    Note that you can use jQuery on the frontend now, you simply have to use jQuery instead of $.

  12. 10 Posted by Christophe on 07 Jan, 2015 01:28 PM

    Christophe 's Avatar

    Hi Julien,

    I do agree with you that noticing everyone coming on /kb page is the best.

    Is there a way to notice only people arriving to /kb after a redirection
    from /home (that’s happens for not connected users) ?


    #jesuischarlie <>

    From: Julien
    [mailto:[email blocked]]
    Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 11:24 AM
    To: [email blocked]
    Subject: Re: Show /home when not connected to a private tender with public
    KB [Questions #8379]

  13. 11 Posted by Julien on 07 Jan, 2015 01:42 PM

    Julien's Avatar

    Hey Christophe,

    You could simply use something like this:

    if (!Tender.logged_in) {
      jQuery('#header').after('<div class="flash-messages"><div class="flash flash-notice">Want to open a discussion? Please <a href="/login">login</a> first!</div></div>');
  14. 12 Posted by Christophe on 07 Jan, 2015 03:20 PM

    Christophe 's Avatar


    We will try it…

    Sébastien, that’s for you…


    From: Julien
    [mailto:[email blocked]]
    Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 2:42 PM
    To: [email blocked]
    Subject: Re: Show /home when not connected to a private tender with public
    KB [Questions #8379]

  15. 13 Posted by Christophe on 07 Jan, 2015 05:43 PM

    Christophe 's Avatar

    Hi Julien,

    after some tweaks your work around seems fine!



  16. Julien closed this discussion on 07 Jan, 2015 09:01 PM.

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