Feature request: Allow exporting discussions and knowledge base articles

Zack Chandler's Avatar

Zack Chandler

04 Dec, 2009 10:11 PM

I know that this has already been mentioned a few times but it is certainly important to us to be able to export our data.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Courtenay on 04 Dec, 2009 10:49 PM

    Courtenay's Avatar

    Currently, you can use the API - https://help.tenderapp.com/faqs/api/introduction - are you looking for something more than this?

  2. 2 Posted by Zack Chandler on 05 Dec, 2009 05:27 AM

    Zack Chandler's Avatar

    I suppose API access is better than nothing but ideally we want a simple way to download our data in XML or CSV. The way I look at it is that we own our data, Tender just helps us organize and work with this data. If for whatever reason we want or need to backup, archive or move our data we should be able to without fiddling with API calls.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Courtenay on 05 Dec, 2009 06:56 AM

    Courtenay's Avatar

    Sure, I understand. At some point in the near future we'll sort out a full
    export (we have to make sure that people aren't bringing down the server by
    requesting full dumps); in the mean time, you can just request one here and
    we'll generate it for you.

  4. 4 Posted by Zack Chandler on 05 Dec, 2009 04:20 PM

    Zack Chandler's Avatar


    I'm sure you have already thought of this but to avoid full dumps taxing the server you could send the request into DelayedJob or whatever background worker you are using and then send and email back to the user with an authenticated link to the dump file.

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Courtenay on 05 Dec, 2009 07:49 PM

    Courtenay's Avatar

    Right, that's how we do almost everything. The problem is the current job
    itself will spike CPU to 100% for a minute or so, and if you have a thousand
    sites all requesting dumps daily (or whatever) that just doesn't work (not
    enough minutes in the day). So we have to work out scheduling, as well as
    optimize the dump script, maybe cache parts of it, etc. It's not
    particularly hard, just time consuming and not on the top of our priority
    list since we can currently have a customer service rep run it manually for
    people (things on top of the list: auto-filtering for queues, customer
    groups, web hooks, reporting)

  6. 6 Posted by Quentin Staffor... on 05 Mar, 2010 02:46 PM

    Quentin Stafford-Fraser's Avatar

    Just wanted to add a vote to this request. We love what we've seen of Tender so far, and may put a lot of effort into building knowledgebases etc on it, which does make us wonder what would happen if you suddenly went away… when no customer service reps would be available.

    (People ask that of us, too, so don't take it personally! And we understand the issues...)

    We'd be happy to be restricted in how often we could get a dump, and happy to fetch it by rsync or similar, if that helps with the load!

    Just wanted to second the request.

  7. Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:11 PM.

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