the "Spam?" label for your captcha is confusing to my customers

christensen's Avatar


23 Feb, 2010 10:13 PM

they don't understand this label and why they need to fill it out. can this be changed to something a little less geeky and obtuse?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Courtenay on 23 Feb, 2010 11:23 PM

    Courtenay's Avatar

    What do you suggest?

  2. 2 Posted by Stephen Eley on 25 Feb, 2010 05:21 PM

    Stephen Eley's Avatar

    I'd suggest getting rid of it. Or at least make it optional, or used more sparingly in questionable cases. There are plenty of automated and heuristic-based spam filtering solutions that work just fine. (E.g. Akismet, SpamAssassin, Bayesian filtering, cooldown periods between form submissions, session authenticity checks, etc.)

    Some of us would rather risk having to hit the "Flag as spam" box more often than reduce usability for our users. Let us err in that direction.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Courtenay on 25 Feb, 2010 05:49 PM

    Courtenay's Avatar

    Yeah, you have a good point. We'll add an option to disable the captcha on a per-site basis. That's definitely a decision that people make based on the amount of spam they get. (also, we do already use akismet, it's uhh.. well, let's just say we put in the captcha for a reason!)

  4. 4 Posted by christensen on 25 Feb, 2010 07:08 PM

    christensen's Avatar

    As for the label (if you do decide to keep it on your site), the "Spam?" is stylistic inconsistent with the others. Most labels are descriptive nouns (Name, Email, Category, Subject) and one is an imperative verb (Attach File). With "Spam?", first I need to understand the term (which most people associate with email rather than web posts, if they know the term at all), and then I wonder about the semantics of the question. Do I answer yes or no?

    So, I would lean toward using one of your existing models: descriptive noun or imperative verb. Perhaps simply "Verification" or a more lengthy and quippy "Verify you're not a machine".

    Also, you have a "Help with syntax" link for the body content. It's common to have a "What's this?" link next to captchas that explains its purpose.

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Courtenay on 02 Mar, 2010 01:58 PM

    Courtenay's Avatar

    OK, this is all live. Thanks for the suggestions. (you can disable captcha in site settings)

  6. Courtenay closed this discussion on 02 Mar, 2010 01:58 PM.

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