Priority (Ya i saw the knowledge base article)
So here is the situation.. we are a small team.. we field requests from our customers.. some times fifteen requests in a day. What we ask them to do is tell us the priority of the requests.. So we know which one to work on first.
If there is not priority option, we are left with having to manage that manually.
If you have a creative solution to this by using queue or something - all ears.. the only requirement would be that the client have the control over setting these..
BTW love the app.
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1 Posted by rick on 26 Mar, 2010 05:19 PM
You can create filters that look for keywords (urgent, high, important, rad) and file them in a special 'High Priority' queue. Beyond that, we don't plan on adding priorities.
We do have some ideas on being able to track which issues are important to your customers (or at least, which ones they are most vocal about). The first phase was tracking the watcher count on discussions and being able to sort by this value in the admin.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Courtenay on 26 Mar, 2010 07:47 PM
You could also set up multiple categories, named appropriately.
Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:12 PM.