Email field text is a feedback barrier

jono's Avatar


09 Apr, 2010 03:51 PM

Summary: please change the Tender widget email field text from "Email" to "Email (optional)"

The presence of the email field on the widget and Start A Discussion form limits the number of users who will provide feedback because it's a hassle to type and they're worried about spam. This pains us. I added an issue for this last year but it was resolved and nothing has changed. I was hoping that you guys might reconsider making the change. From the original issue:

"One of the things we like about Tender is that users aren't forced into a sign-up procedure in order to leave feedback. Unfortunately, the Start a Discussion form still requires that they type something/anything into the Email field. Sure, it's better if they can include their email address but if they don't want to then we still want to hear what they have to say. Considering this field isn't even validated as an email address (it happily accepts "bla" and "getlost", for example), could you consider not including this field in your form validation and then changing it to say "Email (optional)" beside the text field?"

We now provide instructions for the widget in which we apologize to our customers that the Tender widget email field doesn't say that it's optional. We then ask them to ignore it if they don't want to enter their email address. Please consider making this (oh so very trivial!) change so we can stop looking like chumps! :)

  1. 1 Posted by Will on 30 Apr, 2010 12:22 AM

    Will's Avatar

    Thanks for the feedback jono. While users are not required to register in Tender to submit a discussion, it's not really intended to function as an anonymous form by default. In order to reply to a user and be notified, the email field is required, just not in the form of registering an actual account. I'm not sure if we'd want to break that communication by stating that the email field is optional by default. I'd suggest for the time being if you want a form without a required email field in the label, using the API and generating your own form that you can customize as needed. In the meantime, I'll bring up your suggestion with the team. Again, thanks for the detailed feedback.

  2. Will closed this discussion on 30 Apr, 2010 12:22 AM.

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