Add option to display Issue # in listing of Issues (at least in admin views)
Hello, often I want to communicate with my employees about issues and the easiest way of doing it is to refer to issue #s (especially as issue title can and often do change to better describe issues)
However, we cannot see the # unless we rollover the issue and
look at the URLs. This is a bit of a hindrance and it would great
to be able to see the # prefixing the message title in our
overview. Is this possible to add to feature request list.
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1 Posted by Will on 12 Apr, 2010 11:58 PM
We were talking about this the other day. Tender was originally designed to be more of a flat discussion based support system, so some innovation to adapt for it to be more ticket like in the admin may be needed. Even that id# is associated with the category, but it's possible we could slip it in the UI.
We've got some pretty big hardware upgrades coming up in the next week, so right now everything is in queue on the requests list. We should be picking back up full dev on polishing Tender right after.
Thanks for the feedback.
Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:13 PM.