Using #queue command with partial names
Correct me if this already exists; I tried it, but it did not seem to work.
When I'm replying to an issue in an email, and I assign it to a queue, I often have to do:
#queue Upgrades / Downgrades
Because I have a queue named "Upgrades / Downgrades". In some other Tender sites, I have even longer queue names.
Typing the full name gets tiresome.
I suggest a way to type just the partial name, and if it matches exactly one queue, assign it there. Otherwise, do nothing (don't spam all queues because of a typo).
For example, it would really help to just do:
#queue upgrade
and have the issue go into the "Upgrades / Downgrades" queue.
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1 Posted by Will on 29 Apr, 2010 07:26 AM
Hey Garry. Currently such an option does not exist. You have to type the full queue name. That's fairly interesting though, as we haven't really received any feedback in simplifying email commands due to long queue names.
I've marked this discussion as a request for future development for us to review.
2 Posted by Garry Dolley on 29 Apr, 2010 09:45 AM
Awesome, thanks!
Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:14 PM.