a way to classify/tag tickets, for analytics/insight
Hi folks,
I've seen a few other mentions of this (1, 2), but want to add my vote for a way to classify/tag tickets.
The importance of a feature like this is summed up nicely in this 37signals post, where they talk about the insight and signals information like support tickets can provide.
We currently have our queues set up by-platform, because Rdio has apps for iPhone/BlackBerry/Android, as well as a webapp and a desktop app for Mac & Windows. But tickets have another axis of classification: Billing, Suggestions, Bugs, etc. (among others)
I need to be able to see how many feature requests/suggestions we're getting for any of these individual platforms, and also see which feature requests are the most-requested, for example. :)
(it'd also be useful for things like weekly or monthly reviews of ticket volumes and categories, in case the numbers tell us something we might otherwise have missed)
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1 Posted by Will on 29 Apr, 2010 07:09 AM
Hey Eric.
We have reporting feature that is currently still in development. It's more geared towards those weekly or monthly breakdowns in terms on incoming and outgoing volume. It also tracks keywords in tickets so you can get an overview of what's hot inside all your discussions.
As far as tagging goes, it seems to work for some users and be a disaster for other users. Queues has been extremely efficient for most cases in Tender, but it doesn't quite have the power of Lighthouse Ticket bins to solve every use-case. I'm not really convinced that simple tagging is a solution in this case, although it is an easy way out in many situations.
It's possible the reporting features could enable a scope across queues, but the earliest forms of implementation probably won't drill quite that deep.
That was a very interesting blog post though. Thank you for the link.
2 Posted by eric.case on 30 Apr, 2010 06:22 PM
Hi Will,
Thanks for the reply, I agree that tagging can be a crapshoot in situations like these -- I'll look into Queues as a temporary solution.
In a former life I was the PM for Blogger.com, where I'd initially started out as a customer support rep. The support tool we used (and which Google still uses, I believe) was designed to require that tickets first be classified/tagged before email replies could be sent. It was a bit of a pain to learn the tagging system, but it meant there were metrics for everything. :)
I'd love to see the reporting feature you guys are working on -- feel free to add us as a test site.
3 Posted by Will on 07 May, 2010 10:51 PM
Reporting isn't currently ready as of yet. But when it is I'll let you know. We have to wrap up a big server upgrade before we get back to future dev, but reporting is pretty much the top of the list, so it shouldn't be too much longer.
4 Posted by eric.case on 05 Jun, 2010 02:47 AM
Hey Will -- what's the best way for me to see a quick/rough pass on report-ish things? For example, how many tickets did we receive today / this week / etc.?
We've launched and our higher-ups are asking for these sorts of stats. I dig Tender and don't wanna bail quite yet, but without reporting we're quickly going to outgrow it. :/
5 Posted by Will on 08 Jun, 2010 02:48 AM
Hey Eric. Our current reporting feature isn't finished as of yet. We'll probably be reimplementing it in jquery soon and bundling it in after some pretty heavy updates, but right now it's not set for the super near future.
We had a very rough experimental reporting branch that we were giving a few users access to, but it's currently out of order until we switch over our js library.
6 Posted by Eric Case on 08 Jun, 2010 05:35 PM
Thanks Will -- so... within the next month, or the next quarter? I know
things are done when they're done, but I need a rough idea so I can plan for
the scaling we're already in the process of doing. :/
7 Posted by Will on 08 Jun, 2010 07:52 PM
It's probably the top two items on the future development list, which is bundled with some dashboard changes and moving our javascript library over. More than likely we're talking about within the next quarter.
Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:15 PM.