Add a view that can show discussions not assigned to a queue
We have a lot of traffic via public and private discussions and we have some filters setup to auto-assign a queue to items as our representatives only act on discussions in queues that are responsible for. that being said we have to "triage" all "New" Items that aren't assigned to a queue and currently the only way to do that is to view pages and pages of "New" issues and see if any don't have a grey box indicating the queue. There must be an easier way to just show all the discussions that aren't in a queue - no? This task of triaging and assigning queues takes one of our people several hours throughout the day. Anyone have any tips here or is there a way to view all the unassigned discussions?
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1 Posted by Will on 29 Apr, 2010 01:32 AM
As of right now, there isn't a view that will let you display items not in a queue. The original implementation of queues wasn't really designed to flex as far as users have taken it. It's an adaptable feature though, that's what's most promising about it. We are looking at correcting a few issues with the dashboard area and filtering options that are available. I'll mark down your request for those revisions, but that is most likely an update that is down the road a ways.
Will closed this discussion on 18 Aug, 2010 10:14 PM.