Expiring KB articles
I use a competing product presently. One nice feature is that when I make a KB article I set a Review date, and a Publish date. So I make the article today, on January 3 but say publish it on January 15th. I say that the Review date is 6 months from now. In 6 months I will get an email with a list of articles that are up for review on that date. Basically it helps keep content fresh and helps to clean up the junk rather than letting old articles pile up that aren't appropriate. Some things get 2 years before they review and others 2 months.
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1 Posted by Will on 03 Jan, 2011 06:51 PM
Hey Joshua. That's a really cool way of handling that. Thanks for the feedback!
Amanda closed this discussion on 13 Jan, 2011 09:45 PM.