Expand your 'Suggestions' feature into a Voting function like UserVoice or GetSatisfaction

Michael Carter's Avatar

Michael Carter

10 Jan, 2012 01:22 PM

The 'support ticket' paradigm that Tender is based upon is great for support (i.e. create ticket, ticket is open, aim to close the ticket asap) but it doesn't work for 'Suggestions' such as Feature Requests. In fact, the function you call 'Discussions' barely resemble actual discussions (they are more like brief chats in an elevator) because when I searched for 'Vote' or 'Voting' I could see that many people have suggested this in the past, but all these 'Discussions' were 'closed' which, apart from being bad semantics -- "we are closed to discussing this further with you" -- does not encourage an ongoing actual discussion on the topic by a variety of users over an extended period of time. We (as Tender users) would love the ability to have a Suggestion Voting function in our Tender, and I know you guys would benefit immensely too. I know from personal experience in using dozens of web-based apps that those developers who use UserVoice or GetSatsifaction and are responsive and engaged with their community, have a never-ending source of ideas and inspiration for improving their product/service. All you need to do is, like UserVoice does it, allow a user to have a maximum of 10 votes, and they can vote on any one suggestion (whether they created it or not) with 1, 2 or 3 votes. You just display the total number of votes for a Suggestion and make it very obvious when someone from the developer replies or comments. You also need to allow other user to comment on other people's discussions and suggestions. You are 80% there already with Tender. +1 for Voting to be added to Suggestions in Tender! :)

  1. 1 Posted by Amanda on 10 Jan, 2012 06:26 PM

    Amanda's Avatar

    Thank you for your feedback. I will leave this discussion open and also attach the relevant ticket for this feature to the discussion.

  2. 2 Posted by viktoria on 20 May, 2012 12:10 PM

    viktoria's Avatar

    Completely agree. Need this feature very much and will migrate from Uservoice immideately. I even would be glad if there will be just a plus sign, that users will press and add a voice to the suggestion.

  3. 3 Posted by Allan Bower on 29 May, 2012 06:04 PM

    Allan Bower's Avatar

    I'm looking for customer service software along the lines of Tender but really need a suggestions voting mechanism from such a service. Build it in and you are a contender! I see "developers are involved" so is there a timeline?

  4. 4 Posted by Amanda on 29 May, 2012 06:06 PM

    Amanda's Avatar


    We are a small team and generally only schedule tickets out a week or two in advance. I can tell you that this ticket is not currently scheduled.

  5. 5 Posted by urhelp on 31 May, 2012 09:44 AM

    urhelp's Avatar

    Тело, это хорошо, но почему пустым?... В общем нужны простые объяснения или книга, для "непродвинувшихся" пользователей, ибо как и что делать, не понял, а жена быстро раскусит и будет "шифроваться" по другому!!!!!

  6. 6 Posted by Klaas on 17 Jun, 2012 10:18 PM

    Klaas's Avatar

    Really would like to see this feature as well!

  7. 7 Posted by Tim on 18 Jun, 2012 09:45 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    Voting is definitely something we'd like to add at some point. However, I do not expect that we will be able to build it any time soon. Typically we measure the amount of interest in a topic by the number of people (like Klaas) who chime in on a public discussion with a "me too!" on a request.

    That being said, voting is not currently on our short term roadmap. We'd love to get to all the things our customers request, but with such a small team, we can only really work on a few things at a time.


  8. Nicole closed this discussion on 29 Jun, 2012 06:15 PM.

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