
Category Listing

> curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.tender-v1+json" ""
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 329,
  "per_page": 30,
  "categories": [

Single Category

> curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.tender-v1+json" ""
  "name": "Problems",
  "permalink": "problems",
  "public": true,
  "hide_support_workflow": false,
  "code": "SECRET-CODE",
  "summary": "SUMMARY",
  "formatted_summary": "<div>SUMMARY</div>",
  "accept_email": "",
  "visible": true,
  "created_at": "2008-11-12T22:28:58Z",
  "updated_at": "2009-07-04T05:26:44Z",
  "last_updated_at": "2009-08-03T17:03:07Z",
  "heartbeat_on": "2009-08-03T23:30:12Z",
  "open_discussions_count": 12,
  "assigned_discussions_count": 34,
  "resolved_discussions_count": 45,
  "html_href": "",
  "href": "",
  "discussions_href": "{-opt|/|state}{state}{-opt|?|page,user_email}{-join|&|page,user_email}"


  • name - The name of the category.
  • permalink - This is the sanitized name used in category URLs. It is auto-generated from the name if not provided.
  • public - A boolean specifying the default access mode for new discussions. New discussions in public categories are public by default. New discussions in private categories are private by default. Incoming emails are always private by default.
  • visible - A boolean specifying if the category is visible in the Public Discussion area.
  • hide_support_workflow - A boolean specifying whether the Tender state workflow is disabled for discussions in this category.
  • code (readonly) - The code is used in the special category email address for incoming emails.
  • summary - The category summary, shown on category listings.
  • formatted_summary (readonly) - the summary after being run through the Tender HTML formatter.
  • accept_email (readonly) - comma-separated list of email addresses that are set to forward emails to this category.
  • heartbeat_on (readonly) - timestamp of the last email heartbeat.
  • open_discussions_count (readonly) - the number of open discussions (does not include ticketed discussions)
  • assigned_discussions_count (readonly) - the number of ticketed discussions (they are open)
  • resolved_discussions_count (readonly) - the number of closed discussions
  • html_href - Web URL for the category.
  • href - API URL for the category.
  • discussions_href (readonly) - URI template for selecting all discussions in this category. See the discussion resource for info on parsing the URI templates for discussions.

The last_* attributes are simply pointers for the last posted comment.