The CSV export
Tender reports allow you to export your discussion and comment data in a CSV format. To download the CSV export, go to you your Tender admin and click Reports in the main navigation bar. Next, click Support History in the left sidebar. Last, set the scope and date range of the data you wish to view (_week/month/year and the date range_) and then click the CSV Export button.
What's in the CSV export
number: This is the internal ID for each discussion. Validation check: each is unique
category: This is the category for the discussion. In the CSV, we're using Tender's internal categories of Problems, Suggestions, Questions, and Billing, but you may have created your own set of categories.
comments_count: This is the number of comments that have been added to each discussion.
created_at: This is the timestamp at which the discussion was first created, in UTC. The format for this field is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and we created a custom format in our spreadsheet, as the defaults to not have YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS as an option.
initial_response_time: This is the time elapsed between the creation time and the first response. This number is in seconds.
responder: This is the support user who was the first responder to the issue.
avg_response_time: This is the average time elapsed for all supporter comments in the discussion thread. This number is in seconds.
resolution_time: This is the time elapsed between the creation of the discussion and the resolution of the discussion. This number is in seconds.
resolver: This is the support user who resolved the issue.
resolved_at: This is the timestamp at which the discussion was resolved, in UTC. The format for this field is also YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
With this data, you can investigate relationships and trends for your discussions in Tender.
For an example and rundown of advance use of the CSV, check out Advanced CSV use