How do I integrate my Tender with Slack?

Integrating Slack with Tender is easy!

Configuring Slack

First, we need to create a Webhook in Slack. Go to Configure Integrations page:

Configure Integrations

Then, in the list of services, choose Incoming WebHooks:

Incoming WebHooks

Choose the channel where you want to receive the notifications:

Choosing a channel

And copy the Webhook URL, you will need it in Tender.

Choosing a channel

Configuring Tender

In Tender, go to Account & Settings > Extras > Webhooks:

Creating a webhook

Then choose the kind of notification you'd like to receive. For example, each time a discussion is created:

Choosing a hook type

Then choose Slack

Choosing a hook provider

And fill out the different fields:

Filling settings


And you're all set! Now, each time a discussion is created in Tender, you will get a notification in Slack, with a short snippet:

