Using Tender as a community forum
Public forums are enabled by default with when you create your Tender site. Tender comes with three default categories: Problems, Questions and Suggestions, but it is easy to create or re-name categories to fit your organization's needs. There are several options to adapt the community forum to your needs.
Create private categories
You can use the check boxes to select if you want your category to be set to "private" by default, or be visible. In this example we are going to set the category be public and visible:
Learn more about private categories.
Create beta/important categories
You can use the check boxes to select if you want the category to be set to "beta" or "important" by default.
Learn more about beta/important categories, articles and users.
Disable public forums
You can disable the forum on your Tender. This means that users will see their own discussions only, and won't have access to the forum-style categories list; nor can they see any other users' discussions.
Public Forums enabled but restricted for support response only
If you want to keep your discussions public, but you don't need users to comment on each other's discussions, you can select Support Only to limit replies to staff and users already on the discussion.